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Ventilation analysis

Ventilation Analysis

Analysing the appropriate ventilation for the building in terms of the buildings energy performance, through the Sefaira Analysis. 


Due to the complexity of the building, only a section of it could be analysed by Sefaira. However so, the section taken can be applied throughout the building itself.

100% Mechanical Ventilation

The default preset on Sefaira is that the building runs 100% on mechanical ventilation.

HVAC Energy Per Unit Area

EUI ( Energy Use Intensity). This measure the annual energy use per unit area.

More operable glazing allowing more air flow, expected better energy performance. The performance is good but not as different to only having 30% operable glazing.

100% Natural Ventilation

0% Mechanical

80% Operable Glazing

100% Natural Ventilation

0% Mechanical Ventilation

30% Operable Glazing

Reduction in EUI by 28%

If HVAC is natural ventilated the energy performance of the building is most efficient.

50% Natural Ventilation

50% Mechanical

30% Operable Glazing

Reduction in EUI by 23%

If HVAC is mix-mode there is HVAC energy usage, but a reduction of 28% in comparison to if it was fully mechanically ventilated

50% Natural Ventilation

50% Mechanical Ventilation

80% Operable Glazing

With higher amounts of windows becoming operable, expectation, the energy performance overall would be more efficient. However only 22% reduction in EUI and 27% reduction in HVAC. 


With 30% of glazing are operable, in the summer the glazings on the roof and walls can be opened to allow efficient natural ventilation as well maintaining the pressure difference between the exterior of the building and the interior. The operable glazing can be used to clean the air in the interior as there is high intensity of activity occurring


Natural ventilation in the winter can be done thru HVAC systems and thus relying less on operable windows, as the building has to be in a comforable temperature in the winter months. 

Light analysis

Light Analysis

The light analysis of the building in terms of roofing design. The reason for this is that the sun in Stretford throughout the whole year and the location of the site causes an all year overcast shadow from the building itself. So, light analysis to obtain the maximum amount of sunlight transmission into the building. 

50% glazing 

50% metal standing seam roof

the distribution of  light in the building is fairly well where 46% is mostly well lit. However, the percentages of areas unlit is high as well although the distribution in glazing to roof is even. 

65% glazing 

35% metal standing seam roof

the percentage of well lit spaces increased over 50% and reduced the unlit percentages greatly by a third. The over lit spaces have increased, however so, this is important for the the greenhouse effect design of the building.


Provides consideration of type of glazing. such as lourves, translucent sheets, sunshading etc

Material Reconsideration

Material Reconsideration 

From ventilation and light analysis, high levels of glazing is considered to ensure there is sufficient natural light source in the building. A reconsideration of material to provide enough glazing whilst still running energy efficient. 


A research on whether turning passive is more strategic, as it may accommmodate the analysis above.

Creating an envelope that works passively, maximising the natural energy in the surrounding. In this case, the use of passive energy strategy to maximise the solar energy.


Translucent Polycarbonate Sheeting


Polycarbonate can acts as glazing as well as greenhouse effect. Not only that but polycarbonate sheetings helps transmit high percentage of daylight whilst working passively to heat the interior. 


  • Multilayered polycarbonate cladding allows sun rays to refract as it enters into the building. This reduces direct sun light as well as allowing the rate of solar radiation to reduce. 

  • Translucent effect from polycarbonate reduces the solar penetration that usually has an effect from clear glazings. 

  • The shiny surface on the exterior surface of polycarbonate allows light to reflect. This can reduce the solar penetration, reducing overlit spaces. 

  • Creates a microclimate inside giving a greenhouse effect.

Secondary Skin

A secondary skin must be considered in order that as solar heats the interior space, activities in the second skin envelope is not disrupted by rapid changes in heat. Therefore, considering a material of high thermal inertia so that the heat absorbed from the material is absorbed slowly. 

Cross-Laminated Timber

Cross laminated timber has high thermal inertia, as well as that, CLT is a the new alternative to concrete brick structures. The load bearing material has sustainable benefits as well as providing load bearing structure.


CLT pros

  • load bearing

  • easy to construct

  • thermal condutivity of 0.11W/m2K

  • heat capacity of 1600J/kgk

  • Less carbon foot print

  • Prefabricated



In the summer, the angle of the sun is much higher. Therefore the solar penetration is reliant on the glazing on the roofs rather than the walls. With solar penetration, there is solar energy and solar radiation. High levels of solar radiation is an issue if trapped in a space thus having operable glazings can provide solution to allow solar radiation to escape. 


Because in the summer, the temperature rises, therefore the second skin reacts to the high temperature in the outside and retains the cool inside


In the winter, the angle is lower, so reliance on the polycarbonate walls for solar transmission. Solar radiation is not high as it is in the summer, therefore the operable windows are not needed to allow the solar radiation to escape, as the polycarbonate material already refracts solar radiation out.


In the winter, the second skin sustains the heat as the heat is released out at a slow rate






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