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The Essoldo comes with topography challenges. Especially when dealing with two inclines that incline in opposite direction.  The 2 major incline that affects how my building constructs is Edge Lane motorway and the incline from Essoldo Cinema towards the canal.

A diagram expressing the incline, not to scale or context.

Existing building incline study

The calculation to the degree each incline is going up by.

Edge Lane

Chester Road

Edge Lane Incline

Canal Incline

The height difference between the canal  and Essoldo is 3.6m. 


The challenge is that my building has entry ways from Edge Lane therefore volumetric studies should be considered in order to have enough head space or to not risk having no head space at all.


Careful circulation routes to ensure that when steps are needed, it is under the UK regulation system.


Since the building will have many steps, consideration to how the building can be disability friendly.

The height difference between Essoldo to the canal is 1.28m.


Reinforced concrete slab to flatten ground where appropriate to the unit spaces.

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