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Building evolution

The programme of the building did not have its own personal unit space. Here is the exploration of volumetric massing through the space required for the specific requirement.

Arts & Music




Volumetric Massing

The massing of each space is the minimum requirement for a certain type of space need by the creators. For instance, the homeware sector might need larger spaces for their workshops and product store, whereas a cafe would need a small unit to cook and relatively medium size for seating areas.

Volume & structure

The roofing of the massing mirrors the slope of the portal frame. As well as that, the portal frame centre joints end depending on the end of the volumetric massing . This results in an interesting ribcage of portal frames of different angles as well as a mixture of volumetric massings.

final programme

Refined volumetric massing to ensure he programme of the building is efficient in terms of space occupancy as well as circulation.

Arts & Music




Arts & music

Volume & structure

Exploded axonometric view of how structure relates with the volumetric massings, with revised circulation.

Volume & circulation

The circulation between spaces around the programme.


Activities on the lower ground semi-private as there is constant flow of occupancy in the area


Activities on the upper floor is completely open, as this resides all the retail section of the programme. 

Reasons to programme location

The programme is strategically located to gain the benefits the natural context and site can provide . Here the breakdown to the programme study.


Arts & Music

Due to the incline of Edgle Lane and the canal, theres are unit spaces that are of 3.6m high.  Not only the height but the retaining wall that the unit space would have to consider. This is why the arts and music sectors work best programmatically as the retaining wall acts as a sound insulation and the high ceiling space can be used for acoustic insulation as well as storage of large instruments. 


Kitchen spaces need high ceilings for pipes and extractors, which is why the location for food here is ideal. It is also closer towards leveled ground therefore making it easier to transport products. As well as that, the restaurants located upstairs has multiple entry ways which attracts people into the building.


Fashion is ideal to be on ground level, as large machinery is needed as well as constant arrival of new materials. So the use of getting materials in and out of the building is much more than of in the food sector. 

The largest volumetric space needed for this programme. Firstly, the workshop requires heavy machinery, and dangerous ones too. This location is the closest to the road for when any accidents occur. Again, this area is on leveled ground therefore making it easier for loading materials.

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